february, 2020
Event Details
Gather in the magic space of wonder to explore the question, "is there a plan and what are our parts in it?" and discover the emerging reality, energies, ideas and
Event Details
Gather in the magic space of wonder to explore the question, “is there a plan and what are our parts in it?” and discover the emerging reality, energies, ideas and workings of the world plan on our personal, societal and planetary paths of evolving together as forces of good.
Dialogue around:
* Is there a Plan? What are our parts in it?
* Connecting with, nourishing and forwarding our living spark of the plan
* Experiencing deeper insight and sense of meaning around our purpose and why we are here
* Discover the emerging story of the World Plan expressing in our lives, communities and world today
* Learn about the expedition of The World Plan Project and how to take action and be a part of the expedition to individually and collectively forward our parts in the plan
Experience a meditation for exploring the questions of, “Is there a plan, and what are our parts to play in it?”
There will be an optional 30 minute Question and Answer section after the gathering for those who would like to keep the conversation going. We’d love for you to join us.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED. See the LEARN MORE link below to register.
(Wednesday) 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm USA Eastern